Crimes Of The Heart


Set in a small Mississippi town, three eccentric, disaster-prone Southern sisters reunite, after one shoots her husband. Warm-hearted, irreverent and zany, the play is packed with humanity and humour as it examines the plight of the quirky McGrath sisters, who are all betrayed by their passions. Winner of the Pulitzer Prize, this touching, dark and funny story will linger in your mind, long after the curtain has descended.

Creative Directors

Directed by
Judy Neumann

Assistant Directed by
Cecile Campbell


Crimes Of The Heart

Original script written by
Beth Henley

“Crimes Of The Heart” is presented with kind permission from Dramatists Play Services in association with WME


  • Babe Botrelle

    Emma Andrews

  • Meg Magrath

    Samantha McClurg

  • Lenny Magrath

    Rianna Hartney-Smith

  • Barnette Lloyd

    Luke Jones

  • Chick Boyle

    Gai Byrne

  • Doc Porter

    Huxley Pierce